The Beginning
The Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta was first chartered on October 1, 1911, by 18 gentlemen. The chapter originally flourished on the University of Oregon campus, initiating 932 brothers in a 58-year old reign of dominance. We routinely fielded starting football and basketball players, while also winning trophies for debate and fencing. What is now the house of Delta Tau Delta used to be our own home!
The third house that Phi Gams at the University of Oregon resided in - location unknown.
This is a photo taken in 80’s at the same exact house we live in now
Mid-Century Struggles and Resurgence
Unfortunately, the Vietnam War led to a cataclysmic draft of many brothers; this was a tough time for the remaining brothers and ultimately caused the chapter to close in 1969. Phi Gamma Delta remained painfully silent in the Eugene community until 1974, when a group of concerned Graduate Brothers met in an effort to re-establish the chapter. The Delta Colony achieved its ultimate goal in October 1977 with the first re-chartering of the Epsilon Omicron Chapter. It was the largest gathering of Phi Gamma Delta Graduate and Undergraduate Brothers (hosting a prideful 150 Phi Gams) at any function except for an Ekklesia or Fiji Academy. The chapter operated for 22 years then closed again in July of 1998, due to a campus-wide punishing of various Greek houses.
Last Colony of Epsilon Omicron
In 2002 the annual Ekklesia was held in Portland which led to the chapter colonizing in 2003, but this attempt was not successful and was forced to close in 2006. Greek life on campus dwindled after the campus officially went dry in 2002, but after a resurgence of Greek life, a Fiji interest group was formed with 28 members in the winter of 2012. Weeks of meeting in dormitory basements paid off after the group was officially recolonized the following year in the winter of 2013 with 50 members. The chapter experienced unprecedented growth and success during its colonization, growing to a peak of 85 members in the fall of 2014 and petitioning for charter with 64 members (and 13 pledge brothers) in the spring of 2014, just a little over a year after re-colonizing. From the early 1970's until this time, we resided in what is currently Alpha Epsilon Pi's house, on the corner of 15th and Alder.
Caption reads: "Phi Gamma Delta - also referred to as Fiji for the letters in its name - is being reintroduced to the University with 52 brothers currently involved. President Ryan Donlon, fourth from left, is joined by other members of the chapter's board of officers and general members."
Class of 1958, including Phil Knight, founder of Nike, lived in the house pictured upper right - at 1825 Harris Street.
A picture taken after the initiation ceremony of the last addition to the Founding Fathers
The Final Rechartering of the Epsilon Omicron Chapter
On May 30th of 2014, all 77 brothers and pledge brothers pledged into the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta as chartered members. On the 31st, all 64 colony brothers initiated as full-fledged brothers of Fiji, receiving dozens of years of history and secrets during an intensive, educational weekend. Fully knowing of the ritual, our chapter was officially chartered into the International Fraternity on May 31st of 2014. That is not the culminating point of our history - this is just the beginning...