The Brothers of the Epsilon Omicron Chapter of FIJI Welcome You
Building Courageous leaders
The brothers of Phi Gamma Delta welcome all potential new members as it is our mission to build courageous leaders. This is only possible with your commitment to this fraternity. If you believe that you can be a contributing member to the Epsilon Omicron chapter here at the University of Oregon, fill out the IFC registration form below. We look forward to hearing from you!


The concept of "Brotherhood" is a very serious matter within our fraternity and we exemplify the trait by facilitating close friendships, tradition, and fun adventures! Over the years, the fraternity and its brothers have traveled together to Portland, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Honolulu, Anchorage, Boston, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and all around the world! They travel as brothers to explore the world, to participate in official Phi Gamma Delta events, and to visit other FIJI Chapters abroad. We travel together, we live together, we learn together, and we make life-lasting memories together - that is the type of brotherhood you can expect to experience as a FIJI.

Since becoming a colony in the Winter of 2013, FIJI won first place among Oregon fraternities every term for community service hours with the exception of Winter term in 2016. We mandate that our brothers give back 15 hours to the community per term, and they do so by giving back to the American Red Cross, Green Hill Humane Society, Men Can Stop Rape, USO, and the retirement communities at Bayberry Commons and Alpine Springs, among many other charitable causes.

Many of our members currently represent the nationally-recognized University of Oregon Investment Group, the Robert D. Clark Honor's College, the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, the Interfraternity Council on campus, UO Athletics, the UO American Marketing Association, Duck Club Athletics, BOTA, the Army ROTC Webfoot Warrior Battalion, Chinese Flagship Program and various other clubs and organizations. Being so heavily invested in campus activities and academic success, our brothers have created a reputation of success.
Life Long Connections
Another important consideration in joining a fraternity is its overall importance to you in the grand scheme of life. In that respect, we often say that Phi Gamma Delta is “not for college days alone.” Our brothers may graduate as Ducks, but they never graduate from Phi Gamma Delta. They carry with them lifelong friendships, skills, and experiences from their undergraduate years, and there is always an opportunity for active involvement beyond college. If you're interested, please fill out our interest form and our recruitment chairs will get in touch with you.